
The BeWater x NEAR HZN AI Alpha Hackathon is set to take place on September 6-7 in the vibrant Gangnam district, Seoul, Korea. This two-day mini hackathon will focus on testing the NEAR native products and the NEAR AI tech stack, while fostering innovation in the realm of user-owned AI.

From its inception, NEAR Protocol has aspired to realize the concept of User-Owned AI. Now, thanks to advancements in blockchain technology, this vision is closer to reality. With NEAR AI products set to launch at the end of August and various AI partner integrations in the pipeline, this event serves as a platform to ignite creativity among developers interested in how blockchain can elevate the AI experience.

The hackathon is designed with the developer experience at its core, offering an array of benefits:

  • Expand Your Skill Set: Dive into the NEAR AI tech stack and explore innovative products that will broaden your expertise and open new avenues for development.

  • Participate in Product Testing: Get hands-on experience by testing early-stage products from NEAR and tech integrations created by our esteemed partners, such as Hyperbolic, Masa, Bitte, and Exabits.

  • Take on Bounties: Engage in meaningful challenges that are crucial to our partners by tackling various bounties, providing you with an opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills, as well as the chance to win a total prize pool of $10,000 and various additional bounties from masa, Hyperbolic, Bitte, Exabits, nillion, MIZU, and more.

  • Connect with Industry Experts: Participate in informative workshops and mentoring sessions with leading AI experts, allowing you to learn from the best in the field.

Stay tuned for more information on the registration page and our twitter. We look forward to seeing you on September 6-7 in Seoul!


Total Awards: $10,000 worth of NEAR tokens & Bounties

7 Tracks

NEAR Bounty

NEAR is seeking innovative projects that leverage NEAR’s AI tech stack and ecosystem partner integrations to push the boundaries of user-owned AI and decentralized applications. Ideal submissions will demonstrate creative use of AI experiences, such as:
  • On-chain AI agents capable of autonomous decision-making and transactions in DeFi ecosystems.
  • AI-powered applications that utilize real-time social data for decentralized prediction markets or sentiment analysis.
  • Privacy-preserving AI models that leverage blockchain for secure, user-controlled data sharing.
  • Decentralized machine learning platforms that incentivize community contributions and model improvements.
  • AI-driven governance systems for DAOs or other decentralized organizations.

Bitte Bounty

Bitte is an AI Wallet on Near Protocol with an open agent marketplace. They are simplifying on-chain interactions through human-readable conversations, making blockchain accessible to everyone.

Bitte Bounty Track Guideline:

Hyperbolic Bounty

Address incentive challenges in AI use cases. Design crypto incentive layers for existing AI solutions, or create new asset types within AI products to tackle incentive issues.

Hyperbolic Bounty Track Guideline:

Exabits Bounty

Exabits provides a revolutionary platform that democratizes access to AI GPU compute resources. By tokenizing compute, Exabits allows individual users to own and benefit from high-performance AI infrastructure. Participants' contributions go towards the expansion of enterprise-grade GPU clusters, enhancing compute capacity and efficiency while earning maximum returns.

Exabits Bounty Track Guideline:

Nillion Bounty

Nillion developed Nada-AI, a Python library designed for AI and ML on the Nillion Network. With Nada AI, you can integrate supported models and execute “blind inference,” where the model state stays hidden from the party providing new input.

Nillion Bounty Track Guideline:

Masa Bounty

Masa is a decentralized network for Fair AI, where people earn by contributing data. Leveraging a competitive global network of workers and validators, Masa empowers AI developers anywhere to train generalized and specialized artificial intelligence with the world’s data.

Masa Bounty Track Guideline:

MIZU Bounty

MIZU is building the world’s largest open AI data collection, providing a fast, comprehensive, affordable, and safe data solution for global AI communities. By developing a DePIN network, MIZU will continuously engage a diverse range of contributors, from mobile users to professional GPU cloud operators, to collaboratively build its data collection.

MIZU Bounty Track Guideline:


NEAR Bounty

1st Prize

$5,000 worth of NEAR tokens


2nd Prize

$3,000 worth of NEAR tokens


3rd Prize

$2,000 worth of NEAR tokens


Bitte Bounty

On-Chain Rewards System for Asset Burning



Daily Art Battle



Dynamic Minsta



NFT staking example (get fts)



Open Bounty



Bitte Agent Plugin Bounties



Exabits Bounty

Text-to-Image/Video and Photo/Video Editing Application or Platform

$1,000 worth of GPU computing power


Voice-Enabled AI Application or Platform

$1,000 worth of GPU computing power


Web3 Computing-Related AI Application or Platform

$1,000 worth of GPU computing power


Innovate with Your Idea

$500 worth of GPU computing power


Hyperbolic Bounty

Hyperbolic Challenge



Bittensor OR Morpheus Challenge



Nillion Bounty

Build a Blind AI Project with Nada AI



MIZU Bounty

MIZU Challenge



Masa Bounty

1st Prize



Core Sponsors


Jarrod Barnes

Jarrod Barnes

Head of Ecosystem @NEARfoundation

Eric Nicomedez

Eric Nicomedez

Investor at Spartan Capital

Seung-Goo Kang

Seung-Goo Kang

COO of Uproot Company

Taewoo Park

Taewoo Park

Founder of Spacebar Ventures

Ted Kim

Ted Kim

Tech Lead at NEAR Korea

Dennis Park

Dennis Park



More to be announced

Event Details

Day 1: September 6, 2024 (Friday)

10:30 - 11:00 Check In

11:00 - 11:30 Opening Remarks

11:30 - 12:00 Team Formation

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 14:30 Workshop: How to Build Your First AI Application

14:30 - 16:00 Workshop: Unpacking What to Build in Decentralized AI

16:00 - 18:00 Workshop: Building On Chain AI Agents

18:00 - 19:00 Dinner

19:00 - 21:00 Hacking Time: Coding and Building

Day 2: September 7, 2024 (Saturday)

09:00 - 09:30 Breakfast

09:30 - 12:00 Hacking Time: Coding and Building

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 15:30 Project Submission and Review

15:30 - 16:30 Final Presentations

16:30 - 17:00 Announcement of Results

17:00 - 18:00 Closing Networking

Please note that the schedule and activities above may be subject to change. Stay tuned for updates.

Judging Criteria

  1. Technical Excellence: We will evaluate how well your solution functions, including its performance, stability, and overall technical craftsmanship.

  2. User Experience (UX) and Design: This criterion focuses on the aesthetic appeal and usability of your project. We’re looking for intuitive interfaces and an enjoyable user journey.

  3. Potential Impact: Consider how your project can contribute to making the world a better place. We’ll assess the social, environmental, or economic impact of your solution.

  4. Wow Factor: What makes your project stand out? We want to see innovative ideas and features that have the potential to become the next big thing.

  5. Business Model: Is there a clear strategy for generating return on investment (ROI)? We’ll examine the feasibility and sustainability of your business model.

Bounty Criteria: The criteria for bounties are determined at the discretion of the bounty sponsors. Please refer to the bounty details. We encourage you to join their Discord channel for any specific questions you may have regarding their bounties.

Event Partners





Community Partners


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